Gun review
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The Comedian: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke (In the UK, good men doing anything is illegal)
The nanny state, only there some times: The British state lectures, hectors and micro-manages the law-abiding. When it comes to defending them, it is, all too often, AWOL
After riots, sales of baseball bats up 5,000%.
Heard on the news the police were considering use of plastic bullets. You should be using real ones already.
What’s the cause of the riot? I’m guessing lack of incoming fire.
A speech, by Glen:
Over half (53%) of Americans now believe the federal government is more of a threat to individual rights than a protector.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 33% of Adults believe the government is more of a protector of those rights. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Ralph Mroz was kind enough to send me a copy of the Armed Response Video Training Series. I watched a bit last night because, well, training and reinforcing ideas is good. I didn’t get too far but I notice a few things about this video compared to others and compared to training I had. If there are multiple ways to do things (like drawing), they discuss the various commonly taught ways and tell you why they think one is better or worse. Ultimately, they often say if it works for you, do it. A lot of people forget that.
Also, good discussion of the four rules and, well, why they’re wrong.
And one thing I learned that I simply will have to start doing is, when clearing a gun, rack the slide multiple times after ejecting the magazine. Never really thought about the possibility of magazine failing to eject and me not noticing under stress. But after you rack the slide about three times and rounds keep coming out, no matter how much stress you’re under, you’ll probably notice that.
So far, I’m a fan.
In the wake the accident, police are warning armed residents to use holsters, not waistbands.
Excellent that the police are encouraging, you know, real gun safety.
That’s what the Brady Campaign says the want. Yet, they seem to advocate a ban on weapons in common use.
It’s coming up in less than a month. I cannot make it this year*, which is a shame, since there’s a lot of stuff.
Kevin has the round up with some video of folks having gun.
You can win a Ruger SR9.
And other stuff.
And there will be a few super cool guests there.
* It falls right during a deadline I must meet.
You just rent it from the government. And they can control what you do with it since everything will some day be historic. But, really, chain link fences? The WaPo:
To most eyes, a chain-link fence in the front yard does not scream curb appeal. Simple — but not what you’d call “elegantly simple” — it’s what a set decorator might prescribe when he wants to conjure up mean streets. A white picket fence it ain’t.
Which is why some homeowners in Old Town Alexandria were surprised to learn recently that their chain-link fences were historic and that removing them could put them in hot water with the city’s historic preservation office.
Doesn’t trust you with guns. But he trusts you to be the eyes and ears for the cops and asks for help.
Many times I’ve riffed on a dark, delicious fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-education camps for minimum one-year terms.
Of course. That’s what your type wants. Try it.
Gene Hoffman on nomenclature changes. I’ve always preferred either weapons that look like assault weapons or politically incorrect self-loading rifles.
First, waivers for Obamacare. Then waiving tax rules for GM.
Now, in Tennessee, a waiver for No Child Left Behind.
I’ve been saying since Friday, there will be some sort of investigation by the .gov into S&P. But, in Italy:
[O]ver in Italy, which is (believe it or not) a G7 economy, police raided Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s over allegations that all the meanie things that the rating agencies have been saying about the Italian economy were having an impact on Italian stock prices.
The blame game has gone from being humorous to being sad.
I think I see the problem. Of course, vuts to defense are needed too.
A letter from federal legislators telling Illinois lawmakers to get it right on concealed carry.
That pretty much sums up the government’s reaction to the debt deal and the S&P downgrade. You see, S&P is evil, sucks at math, and was involved in making money a bit back.
And you damn terrorist tea-partiers holding guns to people’s heads and snubbing your noses at Keynesian economic principles!
And dammit they took Joanie Loves Chachi off the air right when it got good.
The good news is we’re almost to the point where the hissy fit stops and the crybaby takes their ball and goes home.
Well, I hope.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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