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Thoughts on pistol caliber carbines as home defense guns

Shelly has a bit. More from Weerd. I’m not a fan for a couple of reasons, specific to my household. I figure if something goes bump in the night, I’m gonna be wrangling the munchkins to a safe place in addition to, you know, maybe being in a gun fight. A free hand is a good thing in that spot. Also, if I were going to use a carbine, I’d definitely go with a rifle caliber.

6 Responses to “Thoughts on pistol caliber carbines as home defense guns”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Ditto. My go to gun is a pistol. With long arms you basically need a weapon light because you have no free hand. And if you have to use that weapon light, you end up pointing your gun at everything. No thanks.

    If I want a carbine, I have an AR that packs a hell of lot more power than any pistol caliber carbine. Overpenetration and price are the same or less, but muzzle blast will be more.

  2. Peter Says:

    AR for home defense sounds great… but I don’t want to have to wear hearing protection as I sweep my house.

  3. TomcatTCH Says:

    There’s something nice about a suppressed, hearing safe carbine using subsonic ammo.

    I call it “Being able to hear when the police show up”.
    It also means being able to hear for the rest of ones life.

    Even suppressed, 5.56 is fairly loud.

  4. Chris L. Says:

    I have a Marlin Camp 9 that was my very first firearm ever purchased. I 18 other firearms including rifles, shotguns pistols and revolvers. It is still my favorite!

    This doesn’t hurt my feelings none either. 🙂
    The added plus is the fact that it shares magazines with my Star Mod 30. I also have the same pair in 45 acp with an old 1911.

  5. Dan C Says:

    M1 carbine with 110 SP ammo. That is, assuming my house is not being attacked by Chicom PLA types in quilted winter uniforms.

    Seriously, good reliable platform, decent round at handshake range. YMMV.

  6. Jim Brack Says:

    Use what you have. Nothing wrong with a pistol caliber carbine as long as it runs. My home is not hugh but big enough that I feel the need to have three firearms ready to go on the main floor and one in the basement. You never know where you will be when they come, and if they don’t knock politely they will come very very fast. That is why I always carry my P3AT at all times. Paranoid? Maybe, but I feel very comfortable with what I have. Don’t get cutoff from your main goto gun.

    Tomcat, cans are great if you can afford them and willing to give the government a free pass to visit anytime they like. Don’t worry about your ears they will be fine. It’s not like your going to be in a firefight lasting for hours or days. Just focus on getting through it alive.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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