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Blaming objects

Demonizing totems because a politico is raffling off a (gasp!) firearm. Anti-gunners seem to struggle with this whole one is free to buy and trade firearms and obviously want it stopped.

4 Responses to “Blaming objects”

  1. Doug Says:

    I agree that anyone should be able to buy/sell any personal firearm with no more hassle than buying/selling a hammer or any other tool that could be misused to hurt someone. And the press, as usual, has blown this WAY out of proportion. In this particular case, however, I think that choosing to raffle off the exact type of firearm used in an assassination attempt on your political rival in that area was in bad taste.

    If they wanted to do a firearm raffle, couldn’t they have chosen an XD, an AR, a Saiga, or some other type of firearm? It would have still offended the anti’s in the area, but not gone over the line into taste-less and tacky. MHO, YMMV.

  2. Doug Says:

    Edit – after reading the link and following up (as I should have done BEFORE posting) I see that the Glock up for raffle is a different model and caliber. But my assessment as tasteless and tacky stands.

  3. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    I’m surprised they didn’t call it an AK47.

  4. Sigivald Says:

    Doug: What’s tacky about your raffle being for one of the most popular firearms in America?

    That’s like saying it’d be tacky to raffle off a Ford months after someone got run down by a Crown Victoria, because, hey, they’re both Fords, right?

    I’m not seeing it. I could see it if the assassination attempt by the crazy had involved some really offbeat gun and they’d picked that to raffle, because that would be a clear reference to the assassin.

    But Glocks? Something like half the cops in the country have one on their hip*. They’re staggeringly popular.

    (* I don’t know the actual numbers, but they’re HUGELY popular with Police Departments.)

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