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What’s need got to do with it?

How many guns do you need? For most gun nuts, the answer is usually more.

13 Responses to “What’s need got to do with it?”

  1. robert yonkers Says:

    how many do I need? got way more than I need, but not neere as many as I wont.

  2. John Richardson Says:

    I’m with Robert and Uncle on this. With the plural of gun being arsenal, the MSM will say I have an arsenal. I’ve got all the essentials as defined by Andrew as well as spares.

    That said, there are many more that I want and I’m always working on taking care of that want.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Let’s see, 7 x 2 x # of Adults per Household + “Hobby Guns”=…….That Many!

  4. StanInTexas Says:

    How many guns do I need? Just one more
    How much ammunition do I need? Just one more box

    What I really NEED is for people in this country to embrace the 2nd Amendment like they embrace the 1st Amendment.

    Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.
    George Washington

  5. mikee Says:

    I have several firearms, but I have realized that some of them are not what I needed. So I need some more.

    I also realized that when I got my second Colt Model 1903 in .32ACP (when it rains it pours, it seems), that I was about to become a collector if I wasn’t careful.

    So I would like a Colt in .380ACP, if anyone has one to trade for a .32 and maybe a 22LR Buckmark….

  6. HL Says:

    Stan makes a great point. I guess one could reply, “How much free speech do you need?”

  7. Barron Barnett Says:

    My dad always said this in response that question, “Enough to get more.” I subscribe to the same line of thinking.

  8. Veeshir Says:

    “Need” has nothing to do with it.

  9. IllTemperedCur Says:

    How many do I need?

    ALL of them.

    But I’m willing to settle for just the ones that I can afford to purchase, given my income level.

  10. Nylarthotep Says:

    I always hate the need argument. Then there is the “wasting money” argument. It’s my frikken money, I’ll waste it on whatever I see fit. And considering I bought a majority of my firearms more than 10 years ago, most of that waste has appreciated by at least 20%.

    If you want to make a list of the basics that you should have, that’s a nice list. I have it covered 7x right now.

  11. Huck Says:

    Actualy, I want to REDUCE the number of guns I have. Cleaning a baker’s dozen of guns every month can be a PITA. 3 of my rifles, both of my revolvers, and my double barreled shotgun is all I really need. And that’s still enough to keep me busy cleaning! 🙂

  12. Skip Says:

    I NEED a Ma Douce and a M25.

  13. Lyle Says:

    I need the self-appointed “need police” to get the hell out of my country. And stay out. Or else.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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