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Blog pulls gun hack

IKEAHack blog pulls a hack for the Browning 22. Caving to anti-gun pressure.

5 Responses to “Blog pulls gun hack”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    Streisand effect.

    I think the blog is just an aggregator of submitters’ ideas. There’s no reason why republication permission from the original author can’t be secured.

    Likewise, anyone with a camera and a Browning Buckmark could be heading to Ikea right now to get ready for their own photo shoot, as you can not copyright the idea behind a post.

  2. Ellen Says:

    A screenshot of the post can be found at

    I wouldn’t do it to my pistol; your mileage may vary.

  3. mikee Says:

    While the aluminum RULL knob (300.714.30) is OK, I think the metallic silver color detracts somewhat from the aesthetics of the hack, what with the Browning being a flat anodized black color. I suggest using the flat black FINTORP knob (102.082.74) for a color matching Victorian look. Or just visit your local Lowe’s or Home Depot or Ace Hardware for a wider selection of knobs!

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    The “hack” is ugly, destroys the lines of the pistol (aesthetics) and being aluminum and not able to take much shock, the knob will likely not last more than a few hundred rounds of slide-slamming before it fails. A better solution would be to have a gunsmith put a premium job of knurling onto the slide, or even, smooth down the present knurling/striations and use grip-tape. At least the grip-tape can be renewed as often as one wants by use of solvents to loosen it’s goo.

  5. Rabbit Says:

    It’s a good idea, particularly if you have a scope mount on the Buck Mark as I do but the execution of this, as my late grandfather would say, is “as ugly as a bull’s ass sewn up with a log chain”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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