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BOLO: Suspect is hoofed, red and has horns

May answer to Beelzebubba

Devil is blamed for rash of church burglaries.

7 Responses to “BOLO: Suspect is hoofed, red and has horns”

  1. ExUrbanKevin Says:

    which begs the question, what gun for the prince of darkness?

  2. dustydog Says:

    If protestants hadn’t censored the Book of Sirach, they would know to keep their church doors locked in the first place.

  3. jason Says:

    Well, that would be the Samaritan Gun, of course:

  4. ATLien Says:


    conclusively answered

  5. Ron W Says:

    Jesus said, When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace. –Luke 11:21

  6. Lyle Says:

    I don;t know if it was Satan or not, but we can probably rule out Jesus. Then again…

  7. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    Maybe Beelzebubba & Beelzebubette had too much Beelzebud Light and beelzebroke in to the beelzebuilding by mistake?

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