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Hope and change

Obama administration grounds firefighting airplanes in Texas. You know, where they kinda need them.

5 Responses to “Hope and change”

  1. TomcatTCH Says:

    Hey, it’s ok, Texas is a Red state don’tcha know?

    Those motherfuckers.

  2. SoupOrMan Says:

    And yet all the lefties I know are blaming Rick Perry for the fires because he cut funding for volunteer fire departments.

    This makes me wonder if more than one of these fires wasn’t set deliberately.

  3. Phelps Says:

    Obama golfs while Texas burns.

    We have our own Nero.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    Rumor around ETX is that onsite FEMA folks are pulling the local VFDs off the fires for ‘operational meetings’ and threatening arrest if they respond to ‘non-FEMA areas of responsibility for fire events’.

  5. Says:

    Some of those fires are now just 20 miles from my house.

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