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Just talking about that

Social Security is not a ponzi scheme. It’s worse.

2 Responses to “Just talking about that”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “We Marxists use our Social Security scam to rob the American people blind, don’t we? And we don’t even give them a choice about participating in it either, do we? We take their money out of their paychecks before they get their paychecks. Pretty slick of us, huh? We’re so much better at using government to advance our agenda than those capitalist-loving Republicans. They’re so clueless, they don’t even have a real agenda. Just a bunch of loose ideas that they’re not really sure about. Meanwhile, we Marxists have been busy stealing money from the American public by the trillions. Ha! Ha! All your Social Security are belong to us!”

  2. FightinBluHen51 Says:

    Amen to a Candidate that wants to actually call it like it truly is (though like the article states, Perry should go much further and cite these facts).

    As a late 20something, I know that I’ll never see a dime. Unfortunately, I’m ok with that, because I’d much prefer that the US government not to steal from my children!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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