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Is that a banana in your . . .

Oh, wait, it is. Open carrying a banana.

7 Responses to “Is that a banana in your . . .”

  1. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    Don’t tell me you didn’t see this coming:

    “Right. Bananas. How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. Now you, come at me with this banana. Catch! Now, it’s quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; then, second, you eat the banana, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him ‘elpless.”

  2. adam Says:

    I wonder if the Tueller drill covers banana attacks…

  3. Ancient Woodsman Says:

    Yes, Adam.

    You release the tiger.

  4. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    No Monty Python reference yet?

    Real operators carry plantanos as back ups.

  5. Bobby Says:

    Shootn’… Uh… #1

  6. Jake Says:

    I like bananas. Bananas are good.

    Now I can’t stop thinking about Captain Jack’s squareness gun.

  7. Disavowedwithhonor Says:

    Just a few thoughts…

    “Openly carrying a gun with [an ammunition] magazine in your back pocket into Starbucks and other establishments creates a culture of fear and intimidation,” said Brian Malte, director for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “It is irresponsible and dangerous.”

    The only “culture of fear and intimidation” this creates is the lefts fear of not being able to control the masses and the obvious fact that they are intimidated by free thinking people who support the Constitution of the United States by oberving their rights. If it were “irresponsible and dangerous” then show me the statistics where a legally armed citizen has caused or been a part of an illegal activity of any kind. I’m waiting…

    “Portantino said open-carry supporters don’t realize how they complicate matters for police, who can have a hard time distinguishing between armed criminals and armed activists.”…”Open carry puts law enforcement and families at risk on Main Street, California,” the lawmaker said. “It wastes law enforcement time and attention dealing with unnecessary 911 calls about gun-toting men and women in coffee shops, restaurants and malls.”

    (In best condecending baby talk voice) Awwwwwww…. does the poor wittle powice officer have to think and figure out how to do his wittle job? Additionally, if everyone is allowed to do it and it becomes normalized there won’t be “unnecessary 911 calls”. We don’t call 911 when we see someone driving a car… It’s NORMAL. Also, nobody ever said observing one’s Constitutional Rights was going to be easy. These powers require personal responsibility which is why the left can’t understand it. Personal responsibility is antithetical to their core beliefs, as well as personal liberty.

    “We need to limit the number of guns in public, not increase them by wearing them on our hips,” Beck said. “This is not Dodge City…. We are a modern civilized community, and we should work on peaceful solutions to end criminal behavior.”

    There is a direct correlation between the number of guns in public and the number of victims in public. The higher the former the lower the latter. Beck is right on one point, “This is not Dodge City”, hell Dodge City isn’t even Dodge City. I’ve seen far more “civil” behavior from those who carry (open or concealed) than I ever have from those who are intent on trying to govern my freedoms to me with no regard for the Constitution. Lastly Mr. Beck, I would like you to “work on a peaceful solution” with a violent criminal when he is holding a gun to your daughter’s head explaining that he is going to rape her in front of you and both of you will die if you try anything. Let me know how that works out. I would gladly end that criminals life for you and your daughter if I were witnes to such an attrocity, where I am certain you would be more than happy to ONLY be a good witnes to the crime. I forgot to mention that you comment on the public you swore to protect and serve and don’t want them to do anything when you can’t be there, yet once you arrive you would have the ability to do exactly what you are against for the rest of us. So are you such a narcicist that you support legislation that would make you “a special class of citizen” at the expense of the safety of the citizenry? I’m still waiting…

    Rant Over,


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