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Government Healthcare

NIH and FDA won’t let woman get medical help that will save her life. Just wait until there’s more bureaucracy involved.

3 Responses to “Government Healthcare”

  1. Jim Says:

    The journalist researched poorly.

    That very therapy(grow your own trachea) is available at Vanderbilt. It is not free. A family member of mine had a stem cell procedure done by the good docs at Vandy. One of their initial conversations went, “How much cash do you have? 300k? We can work with that.”

    This is the future. But currently, someone has to pay for the advances in the state of the art. In the very near future, if properly commercialized, we will be able to purchase common body parts grown from our own genetic line. The prices and performance will beat cadaver and doner organs.

  2. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    The FDA has not approved this procedure in the United States because of the controversy surrounding fetal stem cell research — even though the cells used in this procedure do not come from human embryos.

    Seems the problem is as much wingnut douchebags who equate SCR with abortion as it is bureaucracy. Not fitting with the narrative, I know…but there it is.

  3. Mu Says:

    Quick access to experimental procedures is always a tricky question. Unfortunately there are so many “cures” out there that want to be approved (and paid for by insurances) without having to prove efficacy and safety that the FDA has to set some standards.
    As for this case, it seems to be strictly about money. It’s not like the FDA is preventing the patient to fly to Stockholm to get the stuff done, it’s a question of getting it done here. And she’s living 2 h drive from Montreal, so if it would be strictly a political issue there’s a close by out of the country solution.

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