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What caliber for house fire?

Tennessee man doesn’t call 911 when house catches fire. Chooses to shoot at it instead.

I dunno if it’s true but it made me laugh.

5 Responses to “What caliber for house fire?”

  1. Oddball Says:

    It’s not. Here’s a link to the original posting on a parody website:

    Unfortunately, it’s apparently also printed in the entertainment section of the Knoxville News Sentinel, so some folks think that it’s a serious story. It’s kind of like when people think an article on the Onion is real.

  2. Bryan S. Says:

    Sounds like a methhead.

  3. BobG Says:

    “What caliber for house fire?”

    Spray-and-pray with a firehose.

  4. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Cool! We need to keep this guy on the street, like we did with Loughner. He’s sure to pay off with a great body count, just like Loughner did. Truly dangerous crazies aren’t all that common. We need to make the most of one when we find him. Shot himself because he was having chest pains? Oh yeah, he’s definitely our man! Ha! Ha! All your body count are belong to us!”

  5. Tommy Says:

    Little do you know, it’s real. The man was fighting off a werewolf the only way he knew how.

    Hold, on, there’s a big dude in a suit knocking on my door, I’ll be right ba–

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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