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Ron Paul on The Daily Show

I admit to being a little amazed at the civility since Ron Paul pretty much values the free market and personal freedom principles that Stewart routinely mocks on his show. I suppose being against wars helps.

15 Responses to “Ron Paul on The Daily Show”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Steward seems to respect people who keep their word…

  2. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    I was gonna say…

    Sorry, you’re still missing the point of Stewart’s show. His job is mocking the media when it sells silly narratives and misbehaves and mocking self serving politicians without principles, and I rather doubt he’s mocked any of Ron’s values in the way you’re suggesting. If you actually have even a remote understanding of TDS, then it’s not surprising he’s civil toward Paul. Seems pretty clear that trying to explain to you the point of Jon’s show is pushing toothpaste back into the tube, man.

    Perhaps you have a link with video of him mocking Paul’s principles just for the sake of mocking them?

    (Still can’t understand why people find this concept so difficult, and can only surmise it’s a reflexive defensiveness about The One True Source that he tends to spoof a lot because they give him so much source material.)

  3. HL Says:

    I think the point of Stewart’s show is to get the best ratings he can, so in turn, he can make the most money he can.

    His job is to sell ad time and subscriptions.

  4. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    And if he’s conservative or liberal, he can make money doing so. He’ll fail at selling ad time if he stops being funny and making people laugh at the silly things the media does.

    He’s not popular because he’s liberal. He’s popular because he uses politicians and cable news shows own words against them. He quotes them saying something outrageous…and then shows a clip of them saying the opposite before or after. THAT is the point of his show, and it’s why, if you’re acting all surprised he’s nice to Ron Paul, you’re really, really, really missing the point.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Perhaps you have a link with video of him mocking Paul’s principles just for the sake of mocking them?

    Yeah, Stewart has never bashed the free market or anything like that. Or small government. Or lack of funding for entitlements. Except almost every day, which is when i watch it.

  6. Wolfman Says:

    I have got to say, Jon Stewart actually has better interviews than most news sources. The interview with Mitch Daniels was good, too, and I find that TDS holds people to their word, and throws less puffball questions than many msm hosts. Not bad considering he’s a comedian.

  7. HL Says:

    He’s not popular because he’s liberal.

    He may not be popular because he is a liberal, but I doubt he would be on Comedy Central if he was a conservative.

  8. tgirsch Says:

    HL: I doubt he would be on Comedy Central if he was a conservative.

    Colin Quinn and Carlos Mencia had their shot. If they’d have gotten better ratings, they’d still be on.


    Sebastian The Bloggess: Perhaps you have a link with video of him mocking Paul’s principles just for the sake of mocking them?
    SayUncle: Yeah, Stewart has never bashed the free market or anything like that. Or small government. Or lack of funding for entitlements. Except almost every day, which is when i watch it.
    Shorter SayUncle: “No, I can’t.”

    More seriously, Stewart bashes and ridicules lots of things. Yes, he leans liberal, in a Broderish sort of way, but he has never hesitated to bash liberals and Democrats when they pull out Teh St00pid.

  9. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    Yeah, Stewart has never bashed the free market or anything like that. Or small government. Or lack of funding for entitlements. Except almost every day, which is when i watch it.

    Really? Then it should be easy for you to go to their website and show us a link to him doing just that.

    Come the hell on. You know darn well what he’s doing–he’s spoofing people who hold hypocritical or self contradicting stances on those issues and cable news networks that are engaging in narrative-selling about those things. That’s what his show is about.

    You’re interpreting him doing something like showing Rick Perry giving a “free market this and that” speech and then showing Rick Perry talking about taking govt subsidies gladly for Texas’s benefit or something like that him bashing the free market.

    You really, really are missing the point of his show. And that’s sad…since he explicitly has explained as much. Did you not see the Chris Wallace interview?

    Just man up and admit you don’t like it because he shows Fox News out for what it is using their own words, and then you don’t have to engage in this ridiculous charade about his show somehow being a water carrier for anti-market positions when anyone whose ever watched knows it isn’t. If his show was about bashing the market, he’d go after Ron Paul as viciously as he goes after Rick Perry or Sarah Palin, but he doesn’t. And he’d never lay a hand on Barack Obama or Anthony Weiner.

    But he doesn’t. Why? CAUSE THAT’S NOT THE POINT OF HIS SHOW. Duh.

    HL–even if you weren’t assuming facts not in evidence there, not sure what the relevance of that is. There’s no lack of room for conservatives on TV and if someone wanted to duplicate his show who happened to have conservative leanings, there’s nothing from stopping them. JS makes no bones about his liberal leanings and never suggests that they don’t inform his take on the issues of the day, but that’s not what drives his show or his popularity.

  10. tgirsch Says:

    Urk. “No, I can’t” should read “No, I don’t.”

  11. tgirsch Says:


    That missing-the-point thing reminds me of all the hub-bub when PolitiFact checked Jon Stewart’s statement that Fox News’ viewers were the most consistently misinformed. When they rated Stewart’s statement false, he apologized for the false statement, but then went on to list a myriad of examples of “False” ratings that PolitiFact had given to Fox News.

    Idiots crawled out of the woodwork in droves panning the segment, because they seemed to think the point of it was that Fox News’ false statements somehow made Stewart’s false statement OK. People with two brain cells to rub together understood that the actual point was that OK, maybe Fox News’ viewers aren’t the most misinformed by some measures, but Fox News does misinform its viewers an awful lot.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    I like his bashing of fox, it’s mostly warranted. Regarding examples, off the top of my head, his call for more regulation of wall street, his calling for entitlement funding in budget cuts and how people should pay more taxes, and there was a bit on food regulation recently too.

    And I do like his coverage of the inept media. I’m actually a fan.

  13. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    Is he actually taking policy positions and editorializing? Or just making fun of goonery by people opposing those positions?

    Not sure why holding any of those positions, assuming he does, means it should be surprising that he can have a civil discussion with RP. Particularly with Wall St, I don’t think they’re really all that far apart–Jon Stewart probably thinks they should quit getting away with murder and malfeasance, and Ron Paul just thinks Wall St should be a smoking hole in the ground (any more…I’m leaning Dr. Paul’s way).

    They’re both really on the same team outside of political nuts and bolts issues–they’re making their hay talking truth to power and confronting the established media and political powerhouses when they get too big for their britches selling BS narratives and contradicting themselves.

  14. Jeffersonian Says:

    When I was a child I was taught that it was poor form to pick on the weak and the st00pid.

    That’s what Stewart does.

    It is still poor form.

  15. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    You might almost be onto something there Jeff…if by “weak and stupid” you were referring to kids on the playground.

    Unfortunately, in this case the weak the stupid you refer to want to hold high public office, control our govt, and control how we get our news and information.

    Sorry, it’s not, and never will be, poor form to show how stupid these people tend to be.

    When TDS starts making fun of the Special Olympics and starving people around the world, get back to us.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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