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SayUncle Exclusive. Must Credit SayUncle

The text of Chris Christie’s announcement has been confirmed. It is:

Will you people leave me alone. Take a hint, ferchrissakes. No means no.

8 Responses to “SayUncle Exclusive. Must Credit SayUncle”

  1. Ian Argent Says:

    More proof that the GOP primaries are like a high school prom, really.

    Gov. Christie really is going to stay home and finish his senior project…

  2. Les Jones Says:

    B-but the media swore “sources said Christie was going to run.”

    If you can’t trust the media’s “sources” who can you trust?

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Gov. Christie is an attention whore. Consider this him playing with the media for the purpose of increasing his national name recognition. He’s doing exactly what Paris Hilton does.

    The media of course are just like dogs. When you say you have something for them they all come a running.

  4. Joel Says:

    So when do you think Christie will announce?

    Yeah, I know he said he won’t run. But he’s a politician and his mouth was moving, so…

  5. Jacob Says:

    Don’t bother the fat man.

  6. Crotalus Says:

    If true, thank God! The last thing we need in the primaries is another anti-gun hack.

  7. Chas Says:

  8. Ian Argent Says:

    He was anti-gun 20 years ago; and it didn’t help him win the race.

    I’m willing to give him the chance to change his mind if/when he runs in 2016 or 2020.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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