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Criminals and 3D printing

PC World has a look. With some OMG they can make gun parts even though those gun parts were made by hobbyists.

3 Responses to “Criminals and 3D printing”

  1. Ian Argent Says:

    Dude, where’s the diaper pail? They filled one up with some high-grade FUD. Fully-automatic AR-15?

    The rest ofthe article stank of FUD as well.

  2. TIM Says:

    It just burns me up on how when ever there is a report on someone bashing a assualt rifle they have to throw in the fully automatic crap like thats the norm for these rifles.

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Heh. I bet you could make an AR receiver with one.

    Not a strong receiver, but it would fire for a bit.

    I believe one of the US manufacturers did try a 3-d printed prototype pistol frame out directly from the tank … just a rumor.

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