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I think I may have an actionable claim for Signs, Fight Club, and every single Spike Lee Joint

You know, if you can successfully sue every time Hollywood puts out a crappy movie, then the show business industry would go under.

5 Responses to “I think I may have an actionable claim for Signs, Fight Club, and every single Spike Lee Joint”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Her issue is that if you’re going to advertise a movie as one thing, it ought to be that thing. I recall a similar issue when the trailer for the Gawdawful Disney movie Snow Dogs featured talking sled dogs. People thought it was a talking animal movie like Garfield or Homeward Bound. Turns out the dogs only talk in one brief scene where Cuba Gooding’s character is hallucinating.

  2. BlueWaters Says:

    I thought I was the only one that did not like Fight Club. Lots of people love that flick and it annoys the shit out of me.

  3. Jailer Says:

    You don’t like Fight Club???!!!

  4. Siergen Says:

    The first rule of Fight Club, is don’t talk about whether or not you liked Fight Club…

  5. Sebastian The Blogless Says:

    25th Hour was pretty damn good, dude.

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