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Couple lost in corn maze calls 911. You know you can walk right through corn, right?

17 Responses to “Sad”

  1. BobG Says:

    Good thing they had a cell phone; those idiots would have died in there from exposure.
    Some people shouldn’t be let outside without a keeper.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Who left the gate open and allowed the Sheeple to roam free w/o a leash?

  3. Gerry Says:

    I got $20 says they voted for Obama.

  4. Robert Says:

    But then you have a chance of running into one of those corn spider webs. Euurghhh. 😉

  5. John Says:

    **face**palm** That giant meteor can’t strike the earth soon enough.

  6. Robert Slaughter Says:

    Getting out of most mazes is amazingly easy — just put one hand on a wall, then walk and never take your hand off that wall. You will exit the maze. The only mazes where this won’t work are discontinuous-wall mazes — mazes where there is an ‘inner’ maze with no connection to the ‘outer’ maze. And then, only if you start the hand-tracking when you’re in the inner maze — if you start at the entrance even one of these won’t stop from getting back to the entrance.

  7. Jake Says:

    Even better, from the CBS story:

    “Early Show” co-anchor Jeff Glor reported it didn’t take long for police to find the family and escort them out of the maze to safety. As it turns out, they were just 25 feet away from the exit.

    Sadly, it’s already too late to convince these twits that they shouldn’t breed.

  8. Jerry Says:

    Just one more reason why you shouldn’t smoke cornsilk.

  9. Kristopher Says:

    Noooooooo , corn walls are to tough to walk through ……

  10. Pyrotek85 Says:

    “You know you can walk right through corn, right?”

    I was thinking this too. Could the rows have been planted closer or were deeper maybe? I haven’t been in one before, so I’m assuming it’s probably different than regular rows of corn.

  11. jason Says:


  12. Kristopher Says:

    Only professional farmers and police officer may walk through corn walls safely, ma’am.

    We’ll send the corn police.

  13. Sebastian Says:

    Ooops… you noted this before me. This is what I get when I don’t get around to reading blogs until later 🙂

  14. Beaumont Says:

    I bet they have a “coexist” sticker on the car’s bumper, too.

  15. Sid Says:

    My apologies to the rest of the nation. Ole Miss alumni should be tagged and tracked for everyone else’s safety.

  16. Says:

    This is why 98% of the population will die if the electric power ever stops.

    I don’t think it’s cheating to walk thru a maze wall if the alternative is 911.

  17. Old NFO Says:

    IF they had actually ‘tried’ to walk out, they’d have probably walked in circles, cause they wouldn’t have listened and gone toward the traffic noise…

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