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Troops using ideas from the movie Predator.

9 Responses to “Ingenuity”

  1. MJM Says:

    No one beats the GI on ingenuity and adaptation.

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    The NG soldier was interviewed on NPR (of all places) about his invention. I think this is where I say “we are winning”?

  3. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    The are several COTS versions of this.

  4. Jake Says:

    Needs to be combined with the stabilization/support arm from Aliens, to help take the load off the gunner’s arms. A SteadyCam type rig would be a good place to start with development.

  5. Gregory Markle Says:

    It’s an old idea that I’ve seen about a dozen different takes on. My buddies uses a backpack frame, a minigun can, a helicopter feed chute from a flex mounted gun, and an M60E4 Mk43.

  6. Mik Says:

    marketing opp: “high capacity backpacks and fanny-packs”

  7. Lyle Says:

    Of course. As we all know very well, Hollywood is the source of all knowledge, reason and wisdom.

  8. Gregory Markle Says:

    Just from our experiments with the backpack, we didn’t find it to be very useful outside of it’s obvious “coolness” factor. The claim that it eliminates the need for an ammo carrier is displaced by the fact that getting in and out of the rig, connecting the chute, and readying the gun to fire is crazy difficult without help or a perfectly placed object to hold the gun while you work on it. Encountering a jam in combat would be a HUGE problem with one of these rigs and even if you had a secondary ammunition source you’d now be toting a boat anchor on your back unless you ditched it. The Mk 48 and similar weapons are not suited to being a man portable, individual weapon (even the M240L) and this doesn’t get it any closer.

  9. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    Next thing you know, they’ll be covering themselves in mud to avoid being seen on thermal imaging.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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