Bleg: Bug Out Bag 2
I went with the LAPG 3 Day pack because it fits the bill and is on sale. Bleg 2: What should I put in it?
Already have stuff but, hey, in case I forget something.
I went with the LAPG 3 Day pack because it fits the bill and is on sale. Bleg 2: What should I put in it?
Already have stuff but, hey, in case I forget something.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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October 20th, 2011 at 10:18 am
First Aid w/Blow Out kit, couple of Space Blankets, some Food, Water (at least one mil-spec Canteen with Cup, hate it when those “CamelBacks” spring a leak), spare undies and socks (Space Saver works nice), spare batteries, LED Flashlight or 2, good multitool, good folding knife, good fixed blade knife, P-38 or P-51 Can Opener (to open the Tuna Fish can), Fork, Knife, Spoon, spare Shades, Watch Cap, Gloves, packable Rain Gear, some REAL 550 cord, Compass, Fire Starters and Tinder, Baby Wipes for cleaning up, Toilet Paper, that should get you started.
Keep in mind, though, that if you have to “Bug Out” or “Get Home” or “Evac” or are “Stuck in Car during a Blizzard” or whatever you want to call your bag, that if you end up in a Shelter, that you will be forced to Disarm, no matter what the Law says. Also, you should check with your local/state laws about keeping Firearms and Ammo in the Bag if you keep it in the Car. Hope this helps.
October 20th, 2011 at 10:27 am
I started mine after watching nutnfancys youtube vids: Urban Survival Kit (USK), they are long, but I think the annotation has a list of items you can cut and paste if you don’t have an hour and a half to kill watching youtube.
October 20th, 2011 at 10:27 am
I’ve got the 3DP. The bottom outside pocket fits my netbook perfectly. Yeah, it’s in the bug-out bag. The inside is spacious and very well put together in an attempt to keep out the elements. Wouldn’t surprise me if SOME moisture got in, but I’ve never seen it happen. I especially like the 2 holes to the left and right of the top carry handle for camelbak hoses. On the left side of mine, I have my Gerber E-Tool and on the right side a small MOLLE pouch that will fit a first aid kit or a toiletry bag. Could fit 2 on each side if you wanted to go tacticool! I keep a decently heavy sweater or sweatshirt stuck to the side with the sinching straps holding it in place. A Henry AR-7 would fit perfectly inside of the backpack along the sides.
October 20th, 2011 at 10:28 am
Here is what I put in a RANGE bag, many of the first aid items apply to a BUG OUT BAG, too.
October 20th, 2011 at 10:41 am
Depends on what you’re going to use it for. There’s overlap, but a get home bag needs different stuff than a BOB. Energy bars and H2O top the list (mine has stainless H2O bottles – they may dent but won’t tear), some sort of multitool, pair of work gloves, some first aid stuff (don’t forget blister treatment), small compass, small light + extra batteries (I’d opt for a AA Maglite AND a Petzl LED headlamp), lawn&leaf bag(s) for rain protection, some sort of brimmed hat, mosquito netting that fits the hat, travel size sunscreen, cash in small bills plus change for pay phones, laminated info card (sucks to have the contact list in your phone unavailable), medium folding knife, thin space blanket (rain/cold/wet protection), small roll of tape, 1 or 2 50 ft hanks of paracord, something to start a fire with (don’t forget tinder – a small prescription bottle with vaseline coated cotton balls works), a wire saw is handy and takes little room, folded sheets of paper towel in a sandwich bag (doubles as TP and tinder), terrycloth hand towel in a baggie, baby wipes in a baggie, some sort of projectile expeller, w/mags and ammo (a Safepacker-like holster is handy here – keeps it handy, doesn’t look like a gun), small binocular or monocular, a few safety pins, couple of 12d nails, orange surveyor’s tape, couple small pieces of self adhesive white reflective tape (useful for marking paths, including your way back out, helps to make them uniquely shaped), maybe a light stick, a good whistle, dry socks in a baggie. Depending on season, a sweatshirt or walking shorts, a light long sleeve pullover (anti-mosquito), small bottle of hand sanitizer, travel toothbrush and toothpaste. Beyond that, whatever’s unique to your particular situation. When packing, think “combat loaded.” When you’re done, try it out. Wear the pack for a day, try using it in the back yard. Then try it again, at night. In the rain. And, don’t forget you can hang stuff on the outside of the pack, and if it’s a BOB consider the needs of others who may be in the party, e.g., playing cards, tampons, chewing gum, etc.
October 20th, 2011 at 12:27 pm
Our bags are heavily influenced by the Listening to Katrina site. Preparedness won’t fit in a single bag so we don’t try. If a fire breaks out, we’re looking to not freeze outside while the trucks arrive and sleep relatively comfortable on a friend’s couch for a couple days while we fill out insurance claims.
October 20th, 2011 at 1:15 pm
FYI, coupon code “USA” gets 10% off at LAPG.
October 20th, 2011 at 2:08 pm
Since we’re in Earthquake country we’ll probably shelter in place – but I havn’t yet done Teh Documents: Title to the home, Insurance, Bank-crap, Birth Cert & Passport, Driver’s Lic. – and I wish I had a CCW to go with those.
I do have this nifty solar-powered hand-crank little radio that WORKS and is a flashlight.
October 20th, 2011 at 2:10 pm
A pack of cards and a pint of whiskey (or equivalent).
Passes time, latter’s good for trade and as an improvised antiseptic.
October 20th, 2011 at 2:28 pm
Don’t forget the kids, what kind of little bug-out bags do they have? There’s some nice child-sized for-real backpacks.
October 20th, 2011 at 7:53 pm
Don’t forget the Charmin.
October 20th, 2011 at 11:15 pm
Attended a CPR/FA class a couple of years ago. The instructor noted the west coast is overdue for a major earthquake. If that happens, the authorities will close roads using roadblocks and only specific people will be allowed to travel through those roadblocks. They let Red Cross structural inspectors through! The training is a one day course and may make the difference if you are truly not prepared for a major event.