Taking notice
A reader emails that CSI Miami touched on Fast and Furious and wasn’t complimentary of ATF. Interesting. Any video out there?
A reader emails that CSI Miami touched on Fast and Furious and wasn’t complimentary of ATF. Interesting. Any video out there?
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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October 24th, 2011 at 3:41 pm
I saw that last night, and WOW!!! While the details were changed a little it was obvious to anyone who has been following the Constitutional Subversion of the BATFE. They used the “tracking device” concept from Wide Receiver, which I thought was a bit of a middle finger to the Bush administration, and my impression was they are trying to confuse the facts a little, but then again it made for good TV which is probably the reason. Ratings rule, Sex sells, and accuracy is optional.
October 24th, 2011 at 4:51 pm
Perhaps this link to the whole show will help:
October 24th, 2011 at 5:32 pm
Just saw that recently, and it referred to (imho) Bush’s “Operation Wide Receiver”. That actually was a plan to track guns supplied to the cartels to get the kingpins, but the bad guys figured out how to defeat it. (In “CSI Miami”, the guns did have tracking sensors, which is why I think it references “Operation Wide Receiver”.)
But Obama’s “Operation Gunwalker” and “Fast and Furious” were nothing more than criminal conspiracies to pad the numbers of Mexican “crime guns” in a cynical attack on the 2A. Yes, I believe that Obomination is in on this up to his eyebrows, as he promised the Bradys “something under the radar”.
October 25th, 2011 at 9:33 am
The story spin on all of the various csi shows seems to me to always be on the left side of the fence. And getting flashed by a badge with ncsi on it outside of a military base should get exactly zero acknowledgement from anyone with brains, heh.