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Chicks and guns

Hillary’s Angels: Women of the SecState security detail.

23 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. Matt Says:

    My heart just skipped a few beats.

  2. Mike Branson Says:

    You know you’re a true gun nut when you think “why does that one woman have a dummy 9mm AR-15 when the rest of them have dummy 5.56mm AR-15s?”

  3. D2k Says:

    @Mike hah I noticed that too, also I noticed the dummy ARs don’t have sights for some reason, I realize they were just doing maneuver training, but it still seems odd.

  4. aczarnowski Says:

    To be where they are today those must be some very smart and driven women. Very cool.

  5. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Hillary afraid that some people might be mad at her for some reason? I wonder why.

  6. Oleg Volk Says:

    With any VIP, the temptation to just stand aside in case of attack must be strong…

  7. Xman Says:

    Not that I’m not a big fan of HSLD chicks, but why does The HillDawg need an Athena Team?

  8. mikee Says:

    Will the female guards formerly working for Col. Khadaffi enjoy the cold weather in their new job with Secretary Clinton?

  9. Ron W Says:

    It seems, considering her views, that the Sec of State doesn’t agree with “the equal protection of the laws’ in the 14th Amendment which would mean these young ladies would be subject to the same gun control laws that Sec Clinton likes imposed on U.S. citizens and thus would be disarmed in many places.

  10. skidmark Says:

    Long hair not kept under control. Gloves that are way too long for the fingers and will block the triggerguards. 4-corner ready squad but nobody’s looking over their sights. Etc. Etc.

    Either all the photos were staged for esthetics or they really are that bad. Which could it be?

    I’m glad Hilly “feels” secure because it’s all about how you feel as opposed to actual outcomes, right?

    stay safe.

  11. breda Says:

    aczarnowski – I’m sure they are very smart, driven young women but I’m also just as sure that there is a fair amount of PC feminist bullshit going on, too. Like affirmative action, but for chicks.

  12. John Smith. Says:

    Skidmark is dead on. The way they are posed reminds me of the choreography in pamela anderson’s action flic barb wire.

  13. HL Says:

    I think Bill chose the team for his wife.

  14. Aaron Says:

    HL: But not for himself, first?

  15. TXGunGeek Says:

    I just can’t get over the grips and crappy positions for their guns. They need a class on how to hold a pistol and how to aim. I’d hate to be an Innocent bystander when they open up.

  16. ATLien Says:

    People crack me up with their silly shit.

    So, since their training is apparently so shitty, do you think you could take them?

  17. Stretch Says:

    Where’s Bosley?

  18. Disavowed With Honor Says:

    I find it very sweet that Hillary feels the need to have so many guns around her and people who are willing to lay down their lives to protect her, yet Hillary feels that we don’t deserve the same rights to protect ourselves and our family. If she were really against the 2nd Amendment then she should see to it that her protection team is issued sticks and slingshots.

    Disavowed With Honor

  19. John Smith. Says:

    AtLien the goal is eliminate what they are protecting not the protectors… If you look at it from that real world standpoint then yes….

  20. Beaumont Says:

    They only know how to operate “four kinds of guns”? Is airsoft one of the “kinds”?

  21. Jerry Says:

    Female security detail: When looking good and being PC is more important than being secure.

    Gimme hairy burly men who can disable assailants by just sitting on them any day of the week 😡

  22. chris Says:

    “So, since their training is apparently so shitty, do you think you could take them?”

    I would like to try, but not with their guns in hand.

  23. Scott Says:

    The photo sidebar implies they’ve been around pre Hillary, with three of the last four Secretaries of State being women.
    I wonder, were Condi’s Angels in the tent when Muammar was regaling Condi with his photo album of her, with “Black Flower in the White House” playing in the background?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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