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There ought to be a law

CT legislator proposes state law to make Halloween always be on Saturday. It boggles the mind that legislators come up with this stuff instead of something to, say, get their states out of debt and to save money. I guess CT has solved all its other problems?

8 Responses to “There ought to be a law”

  1. Dragon Says:

    While they may be able to do that with such federal rememberances, such as Presidents Day, MLK Day, the 4th of July, etc…(I have no doubt that some numbskull politician will try to make the 4th fall on a day other than the 4th…) when it comes to All Hallows Eve, that is a religious remembrance.

    Yes, I know it was originally a pagan thing, co-opted by Caholicism, but my point is that its rooted in religion/occult/etc…the belief in something spiritual. Hence, the challenge would be on 1st Amendment grounds. These idiot pols like to screech about Separation of Church/State, a good lawyer can get real creative with a challenge on 1A grounds.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    They tried that up here a few years back in some communities. They would schedule Trick-or-Treat on a Weekend Afternoon for the “Safety of the Children.” But most of those towns said Screw It and went back.

  3. Peter Says:

    This is *exactly* the sort of stuff that any legislature should be spending their time on, because if they’re spending their time on this that means less time to do stuff that negatively affects us.

    Suggested future “laws”:

    Mandating that dawn must occur between 0500 and 0800 daily.

    Conducting a study that proves once and for all that bears do indeed sh!t in the woods.

    Finding out if the early bird gets the worm, or just the ones with insomnia.

    Exactly how much wood a woodchuck chucks….

  4. divemedic Says:

    Maybe a law that mandates Christmas be on a Sunday, and Christmas Eve a Saturday.

  5. ctfreemason Says:

    as a proud resident of CT, this isnt even close to the dumbest thing i’ve heard my state is doing this week – the dumber one was the “federally mandated free diapers” etc.

  6. Drang Says:

    Up next: Pi to equal 3.

  7. Gunnutmegger Says:

    CT has lost its mind when it comes to the people we have elected for the last 20 years.

  8. Noflashbang Says:

    I had a physics teacher that advocated rounding PI to 3. It’s really not a problem unless you need accuracy greater than 4.5%. Not that any law-makers should make a law doing such a thing. 🙂

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