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Toy guns that insult Islam:

The discovery came a few days after Saudi authorities said they seized nearly 1,500 Chinese-made toy guns issuing sounds that mock and insult Aisha, the wife of the Prophet

5 Responses to “Head-scratcher”

  1. A Horse Thief Says:

    Is this the Islamic version of Jesus toast?

  2. Mike Says:

    This is no head-scratcher, man.

    There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that can’t be said to “insult Islam” or “offend Muslims”.

    Swirls in ice cream — check.

    The Three Little Pigs — check.

    A scholarly conference with Israeli scientists — check.

    Muslims are the most easily offended demographic on the planet. Unlike when gays, feminists, or Christians take offense, when Muslims are “offended” by something, you can bet good money that somebody is gonna die.

  3. Infidel Says:

    Meanwhile, our dolls are pro Islam!,2933,435164,00.html

  4. Bryan S. Says:

    Hmmmm.. interesting to see the defense of a woman in an Islamic state.

    Too bad they all cant have that equal protection under the law.

  5. FatWhiteMan Says:

    You would think that they would be more offended by real guns that are used to murder school children in the name of Islam.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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