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I blame global warming

Some explosions on Uranus have scientists’ attention.

12 Responses to “I blame global warming”

  1. Jake Says:

    Sorry. I probably shouldn’t have had that chili last night.

    Oh! You mean the planet. My bad.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Looks like what Shoemaker-Levy 9 did to Jupiter.

  3. Tango Says:

    “Some explosions on your anus have everybody’s attention.”

  4. North Says:

    My anus gets an undue amount of scientific scrutiny.

  5. Aaron Says:

    What’s next after this? Let me guess… some unusual meteors landing at a farm near Grover’s Mill, NJ????

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Guess Area 51’s Secret Weapons Testing Site had a Malf.

  7. Drake Says:

    Weird shit going on in the Kuiper Belt? Color me surprised.

  8. comatus Says:

    If you pronounce it [urine][us], you never have the butt jokes. Our teachers 50 years ago just knew that Beavis and Eddie Haskell would say “Heh, you said ‘urine'” and they couldn’t have that. So we have [yer][anus] instead. And ooh baby do we ever have it.

    There’s a lesson to be learned here, somewhere. I’ll get back to you on that. On Uranus, I mean.

  9. Rob Says:

    Uranus should lay off the Taco Bell.

  10. Lyle Says:

    Joe; Do you have something you’d like to tell us?

  11. Zendo Deb Says:

    Global Warming? Why of course it is George W. Bush who is to blame.

  12. NPVIRR Says:

    Anybody else read that article a few years back about how we likely nuked Jupiter? We sent that satellite to explore it (or a moon, I forget), and it was pulled into Jupiter. As you’ll recall from elementary school, Jupiter is a huge gas planet. As the satellite fell through Jupiter’s atmosphere, it reached a pressure at which its nuclear fuel went critical. Observers were puzzled at the flash and storm which resulted from when the satellite self-nuked.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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