Archive for October, 2011

October 25, 2011

The scam of traffic safety

Your GPS is less believable to a judge than an officer with a stop watch. Traffic safety, largely, is a revenue stream. Most people drive, safely, a bit over the speed limit. Wait, we’ve talked about this before.

Police no longer function to protect and serve. They function to collect a tax.


Take log, cut holes in it. Sell it for $20.

Carrying while shopping

Overcoming some issues.

Lights and ninjas

Your home is not going to be invaded by ninjas. Indeed. The internet mall ninja crowd thinks lasers and lights give away your position, which is probably relevant if I was in Derkaderkastan and in a gun battle with Jihad Joe while on a clandestine mission to rescue moon rocks. Apparently, I should walk around my house in the dark and shoot at whatever moves or something.

Only the police should have guns

MRS: 16 shots, at point-blank range, and he hit his man-sized, non-moving target with less than 50% of the shots!

They’re losing

I’ll take your word for it. I don’t generally read the anti-gunners since they’re largely irrelevant.

TSA at work

They manage to miss a loaded gun in a checked bag but they find a woman’s sex toy and leave an inappropriate note.

Gun Porn


Cool under pressure


B&T Subgun

Bombs away

15th Century Artillery Book


This is an awesome commercial. SFW, sorta.

It will be like the wild west


Best whisky in the world

Old Pulteney named by an expert in the Whisky Bible. Two American bourbons took 2 and 3: George T Stagg was named second best while 10-year-old Parker’s Heritage Collection Wheated Mash Bill picked up third. I may have to try those. Update: Here’s the bible.

Great moments in song lyrics

So come on and give it to me anyway you can
Anyway you want to do it, I’ll take it like a man


October 24, 2011

Wouldn’t surprise me

FoxNews: Facebook Building ‘Shadow Profiles’ of Non-Members, Experts Allege

I was late to the facebook party. But when I signed up, it was ready for me. It already knew who I knew from my personal life, my blog life, and my professional life. As a rule, I never befriend people with whom I have a professional relationship. But facebook already knew who I knew. So, I would not find this surprising at all, even though it is a little tin foily.

Taking notice

A reader emails that CSI Miami touched on Fast and Furious and wasn’t complimentary of ATF. Interesting. Any video out there?

Uhm, what?


The court concludes that a constitutionally effective defense to a child pornography charge does not include the right to victimize additional minors by creating new child pornography in the course of preparing and presenting a defense

Sounds pretty bad. In this case, a defense lawyer photoshopped some fake child pornography as part of a defense. Weird.

Bug out bags and get home bags

New kid on the block Balloon Goes Up has a piece on what’s in his bags.


First grader brings gun to school after ex-NYPD mom forgets she put it in daughter’s backpack

Land of the free

Drug checkpoints in Michigan:

Motorists driving on expressways around Flint are getting surprised by a stunning tactic that the Genesee County sheriff has been using to fight the flow of illegal drugs — one that legal experts said will not withstand a court challenge.

Emphasis mine. Despite its illegality, they do it because there is no consequence to them personally for it. Taxpayers will foot that bill.

Where guns are banned

DC police sergeant gets drunk and issue gun threat

Range report

Ruger SR1911

License to sill

Should You Need a License to Hang Curtains?

Keep your booger hook off the bang switch

Man shoots grandson while unloading rifle in Cabela’s parking lot.

Hey, you got your irony in my schadenfreude

Two great tastes that taste great together.

Depends on the deal

As a general rule, I’m with the Wiz on not assuming debt for day to day expenses, namely credit card debt. But I think he’s way off base in targeting the pay it off every month crowd. Credit cards are convenient for tracking costs, but so is a debit card.

Also, I think he’s off on the points/rewards issue. Of course, it depends on the card and the reward system. I personally use the Amazon credit card. I get 1% back on all purchases and 3% back on all purchases. I also use Amazon Prime so my shipping is free. I also use their subscribe service and frequently purchased items are sent to my house on a schedule. So, I never have to go to the store to buy deodorant. It just shows up when I need it, I get rewards for it, and I defer paying sales taxes on it. Additionally, my money draws interest for an additional 30 days while it sits in my account. There’s no interest on my credit card so long as I pay it off. And that is a good deal.

It’s rather like a few years back when we bought my wife an SUV. You see, I didn’t really want a car payment and would have preferred buying the vehicle outright. But the interest rate on the dealer financing was less than I would draw on my savings account. So, I financed it. After the economy tanking, you don’t see those deals anymore.

I respect the Dave Ramsey school of thought on managing money. But one thing that’s lost on the Ramsey acolytes is that, generally, you can’t make much money by saving money.


Got a bunch of last year’s tacticool stuff sitting around the shop that you can’t sell because, well, the hoity toity gun nut crowd is into the new tacticool look? No problem. Rebrand last year’s hot sellers as Halloween costumes.

Quote of the day

Tam: The less people know about guns the more they want a derringer.

Makes perfect sense

Ok, then.

Space cowboys

First, NASA has a SWAT team? Next, doesn’t the government have anything better to do than putting on flak jackets, storming a Denny’s and harassing a grandmother trying to raise money for her sick son?


They announce their reciprocity agreement list. Tennessee permits will be good there.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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