Archive for October, 2011

October 24, 2011

Gun Porn


Another 10/22

Honey badger

Bug out radio

October 23, 2011

Hmm, let me take a stab

What’s wrong with this picture?

It’s not at It’s copyrighted material that you’re using without permission? I’m not really left-handed?

Having written a few articles professionally, I can say with certainty you can’t always get an ideal tacticool or even good tacticool photo unless the stars are aligned or Oleg Volk is crashing in your basement. And it’s not to show any thing other than, hey, this light will light up your entire hallway. Oh internet, the things we argue about.

And I liked how it turned out.

Update: Oh and I know the answer. It’s that I’m using it as a flashlight after I just told you not to do that.

Update 2: The comments are the best part. Seems if I illuminate beige carpet with a LED light, it’s not flattering. And, not being a girl, I don’t hire interior decorators. And the hand rail for my kids that they asked for means we’re midgets.

Good crowd.

October 21, 2011

Bumpfire Stock for Saiga Shotguns

You can buy one here:

More here.

ATF tries to frame whistleblower

And ignores death threats.

How does it work?

I keep hearing these commercials on the local vast right wing conspiracy radio for Apparently, if people get on the intertubes and talk about how you or your company suck, Reputation Defender comes in saves the day. I wonder exactly how they do this? Google bomb? Spam? Content and link farming? Suing people?

Be prepared

Secure your home

Obama administration takes position on second amendment

And recognizes the right to carry a firearm outside the home

Kagan: hunter and shooter

And she had fun.

Bushmaster bullpup

From Oleg

House cat meets cougar

99% kitty meets 1% kitty.

Dependent class

I weep for the country

Gaddafi’s Gun

Kinda blingy.

Dry fire routine

From Pistol-Training.

And you’ll like it fine!

True. The difference, I think, is illustrated in how I interact with my children. I point out to them that I didn’t ask them to like cleaning their room. At least I’m honest with them.

Gun Porn


Cool looking 45SMG prototype


Winchester and Webley

Suppressed scout rifle

October 20, 2011

CrimsonTrace Lightguard Review

Some smart cracker has a review of the latest offering from Crimson Trace, the Lightguard

Herman Cain likes his guns

Good. But MJM points out something is missing from your website.

All those terrorists in TN

News Channel 5:

Tennessee Becomes First State To Fight Terrorism Statewide

You’re probably use to seeing TSA’s signature blue uniforms at the airport, but now agents are hitting the interstates to fight terrorism with Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR).

“Where is a terrorist more apt to be found? Not these days on an airplane more likely on the interstate,” said Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons.

Tuesday Tennessee was first to deploy VIPR simultaneously at five weigh stations and two bus stations across the state.

But it seems harassing regular citizens is the real aim:

“Somebody sees something somewhere and we want them to be responsible citizens, report that and let us work it through our processes to abet the concern that they had when they saw something suspicious,” said Paul Armes, TSA Federal Security Director for Nashville International Airport.

The Tennessee Highway Patrol checked trucks with drug and bomb sniffing dogs during random inspections.

“The bottom line is this: if you see something suspicious say something about it,” Gibbons said Tuesday.

I’m pretty sure we can do that without your tacticool, scary-named gizmo.

Via Michael.

Oleg: the enemy is here.

Jo-Ann’s anti gun?

A report on their no gun signs. Weird, since I have been known to buy their products to make rifle slings.

Here’s hoping

Scalia predicts Kelo will be overturned.

Why can’t I get a job in my field?

Hmm. I think I may know the answer.

Party of the rich

Obama gets more Wall Street money than republicans.

Pump Action Slingshot Crossbow

Well, why not.

Tennessee Fainting Goat

Robb got to see one. When I was in college, one of the local yokels had a couple of these.

Bleg: Bug Out Bag 2

I went with the LAPG 3 Day pack because it fits the bill and is on sale. Bleg 2: What should I put in it?

Already have stuff but, hey, in case I forget something.

Because that looks safe

I’m kind of doing a face-palm a Top Shot putting people on a spinning wheel and giving them a sub-gun. I would not be standing on that range.

We must ban frozen armadillos

For the children

Generation X is sick of your bullshit.


More zombies

The CDC has a zombie comic book. Also, here’s a guide they put out earlier this year.

The third gun

At the scene of Border Agent Terry’s death.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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