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Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-ranged)

Those trusted with enforcing gun laws instead broke them and allowed guns to flow to dangerous criminals. This resulted in, by some estimates, hundreds of deaths including that of border patrol agent. Obviously, it means we need more gun control.

7 Responses to “Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-ranged)”

  1. North Says:

    We need more gun control – but only in a way to prevent our government from giving guns to our enemy.

    No. We just need government control.

  2. North Says:

    By “government control” I don’t mean the government controlling things. I mean the government needs to be controlled.

  3. North Says:

    And I need more coffee.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    It’s Finestein. She seems to have forgotten in her Senility that the GunWalker Playbook is Trashed, and her role to push for Gun Control using that Tactic is about as useful as putting the PlaceKicker in the Line Up as a Defensive Back.

  5. chris Says:

    Yeah, she is still fretting about those 50 cals and their obvious utility for use in crimes.

  6. breda Says:

    Everything’s going according to plan.

  7. Sean Says:

    If the sad day ever comes where the other side gets serious traction, I anticipate an epidemic of boating accidents in which countless firearms are lost.

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