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So, what caliber

For asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier?

11 Responses to “So, what caliber”

  1. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    A dark planet is going to pass between the earth and the moon? I think the proper caliber for that is combined arms system of Sun Sword, Sorcery, and Mok.

  2. Mike Branson Says:

    .45acp of course. From what I’ve heard on the all-knowing internets…

  3. bluesun Says:


  4. ExtremeTolerance Says:

    Mike essentially stole my smart ass comments.

  5. Kristopher Says:

    Paint half of it black.

    Sunlight will alter the rock’s trajectory.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Standard Mk.48 Torpedo always seemed to send Carriers to the Bottom when I was War Gaming them back in my Submarine days, so a couple of them should work just fine.

    BTW, I wonder if any of the old crew from the Constellation ever saw the pictures of their Keel we took through the Periscope of their “Bird Farm” when they went up against my first Boat, USS John Marshall. ; )

  7. comatus Says:

    We used to have some planet-cracker nukes. Just disassed the last one, a week ago. Funny how things go.

    It is all peaceful and shit all over yo, though.

  8. Siergen Says:

    Of course, if the “asteroid” suddenly starts slowing, I expect all news about it to vanish immediately…

  9. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    Bruce Willis, call your office.

  10. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    +1 w/ @comatus – A B53 H-bomb, wrapped up in a penetration shell so it could get into the rock before the earth rock shattering ka-boom.

  11. Zendo Deb Says:

    See your other post on the British Death Star.

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