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How much does the internet weigh?

How much more your reader weighs after downloading a book.

5 Responses to “How much does the internet weigh?”

  1. TomcatTCH Says:


    This guy sounds like he works for Monster Cable.

  2. mikee Says:

    I would like to see a scale capable of measuring the difference in weights hypothesized for an empty versus a loaded Kindle.

    And the idea that electrons are ever “still” is ridiculous.

    Which weighs more, a pound of electrons or a pound of lead?

  3. ben Says:

    E = mc^2 => m = E/c^2. Works both ways.

  4. Hartley Says:

    Um, yeah Ben – but that doesn’t mean that energy has mass (or vis-versa) it just means you can (potentially) convert between them. The Prof needs to think a little bit harder..

  5. Oakenheart Says:

    Drop the physics book and step back slowly….

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