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Rogero wins

Knoxville elected its first woman mayor. Both candidates running were democrats.

5 Responses to “Rogero wins”

  1. wildbill Says:

    Urban planner = emminent domain, many, many rules and regs on what you can do with “your” property, skyrocking taxes to cover all the new yuppy programs. My condolences to the people of Knoxville. When I was attending UT in the mid ’70s it was a nice place.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Another Hillary Clone. Good Luck.

  3. Disavowed With Honor Says:

    I wish you the best of luck. Perhaps Nashville (actually the surrounding area) needs another experienced blogger to rule the burbs. C’mon down. Nashville’s surrounding areas are pretty good for the most part.

    Disavowed With Honor

  4. Beaumont Says:

    Apparently the new mayor is now claiming to be Hispanic, by virtue of some of her ancestors having come from Spain. It’s sort of like claiming that you’re an Israeli because some of your ancestors were Jews.

  5. Kasper Says:

    Knoxville elected someone from Florida to be their mayor? Did the UT contingent not bother to vote?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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