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Unsolicited advice to stupid people

If you are making a right hand turn, it makes sense to swing a bit left to ensure proper clearance if you’re driving a tractor trailer. A Honda Civic, not so much.

10 Responses to “Unsolicited advice to stupid people”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    That or it was a Tractor trailer driver having trouble getting used to a car again… They still compensate for a trailer sometimes.

  2. That Guy Says:

    You been driving in Austin?

  3. Barron Barnett Says:

    My personal favorite is the wide right to turn left. Yeah I would be interested to see how any of these people would drive a truck if they can’t handle a civic.

  4. TIM Says:

    Ahh they where just trying to set them selfs up for a drift around that corner.

  5. mikee Says:

    I used to own a Honda Civic, driving it from Baltimore to DC every day for work for years until it got totaled in a 20mph fender bender. I know Honda Civics. And you can swerve one 4 or 5 feet to either side to clear a curb and still be in your lane, so quit your whining.

    And now I drive daily in Austin, and that swerving you see here is from one of three causes. First, stoned drivers. Second, idiots spilling coffee while turning the page of the newspaper they are reading while trying to steer. Third, rubbernecking to gawp at UT coeds. This last may be the primary cause for drivers around the downtown area, where the university is located.

  6. David, Chandler, AZ Says:

    My mother always said that they must have learned to drive in a horse and wagon.

  7. Jennifer Says:

    Also, if your brake lights are on while you are accelerating, you’re doing it wrong

  8. Roger Says:

    I think that most of the folks above have been driving in south Florida. Home of left lane slowpokes, right lane left turners, left lane right turners, red light runners and tailgating a–holes of the lowest degree.

  9. Justthisguy Says:

    @ Roger: Amen! One risks his life every time he crosses a street on foot around here. It’s even worse, this time of year.

  10. Charles Says:

    You risk your life in CO. Springs when you try to walk across the street while there’s a woman waiting to turn right on red. She will have her head craned to the left to see when the last car coming from the left is passed, then she will stomp the gas without looking to the right. Not a glance. And it’s always a woman who does this, always.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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