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AR v. AK


3 Responses to “AR v. AK”

  1. Bobby Says:

    Funny, ’cause it takes less time to do that drill than it takes most people to put the mag on an AK.

    And you dont have to do it EVERY time 😀

    Cue super-spetz ak pushup dude on how fast he changes mags…

  2. Lyle Says:

    My AR doesn’t stop, so I nave have no occasion to practice SPORTS unless I load a dummy round. Just kidding – all auto loaders stop at some point. If yours hasn’t it only means you haven’t pushed it enough. AK mag changes take practice is all. The acronym for that is FFFFFFFFFF… (fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck…)

  3. Miguel Says:

    AK mag changes take practice is all. The acronym for that is FFFFFFFFFF… (fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck, fiddle fuck…)

    I am so stealing that! LOL

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