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Do they want it?

Great minds think alike.

3 Responses to “Do they want it?”

  1. dustydog Says:

    Conservatives are their own worst enemy. Romney is fine, Cain is fine, Perry and Gingrich and the whole lot are fine.

    The media dwells on this little incident or that, and conservatives follow along like rats following a piper.

  2. Lyle Says:

    You’re right, Uncle, and I would add in the fact that Republicans typically don’t really have major ideological differences with Democrats. Deep down, their disputes tend to center on matters of degree and on the details of running the Central Planning Authority, not on matters of basic principle.

    That lends more weight to your observations– with no real ability to assert basic principles, or even define them much less to ever implement them, Republicans often get caught stammering as clueless as deer in the headlights even in good times.

    That and they don’t really ever take things seriously like you’d want. To them this is just a game, and the game today says stay out of the way and the Dems take the heat for the trouble. The Republicans will always get back the Whitehouse at some point. If Romney gets in this time, they can always say, “See? We aren’t that different from Obama, and things are still bad, so don’t blame us.” If a real pro liberty Republican (contradiction in terms?) gets in, the inevitable coming big trouble will be blamed on conservatism itself. By both parties.

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    The major mistakes the Republitards are thinking that A) The Republic can take 4 More Years of the Anointed One, B) that they can some how keep the House if things keep going South, let alone regain the Senate, C) that, if they lose power, that they’ll be able to Stop Anything the Dems can Do, including putting in True Marxists on the Supreme Court, and D) that there’s some body out there that could win in 2016, but not in 2012.

    Frackin’ GOP gets Soup raining from the Sky, and they don’t want it ’cause they don’t have Crackers….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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