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Another victim in the war on drugs

Looking for iodine? Too bad. Seems it’s going the way of decongestants because of the war on drugs. What you do instead of something.

8 Responses to “Another victim in the war on drugs”

  1. comatus Says:

    Wort conversion testers hardest hit, just saying.

    Puzzled by the sudden absence of Melitta #6 coffee filters in stores, I ordered a case of them, on-line. And then I learned what they’re for in a meth lab, and now I’m on Somebody’s List. Could have been worse: could have been Chemex. Serves me right, I guess, for being a rube.

    There is Keurig Pod meth, isn’t there?

  2. dustydog Says:

    Step 1 – go to
    Step 2 – click on the AMAZON link
    Step 3 – type “iodine” into the search window.
    Step 4- order yourself some potassium iodine. If you order in the next ___ hours, you can pay extra for one day shipping.

    Why anyone bothers going to their local store for anything available through Amazon Prime, I don’t know.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    A few points:

    1. Iodine solutions are not banned, it’s likely the store just stopped carrying them. I know you can buy them at home-brew and drug stores; I saw some in the local Rite-Aid just a few days ago.

    2. Potassium iodide =/= iodine. The sanitizing solution contains the actual element itself; iodine salts such as KI are worthless to meth heads because they can’t be used in the cooking process.

  4. El Bombardero Says:

    Yet another reason to support Ron Paul.

  5. JD Says:

    Ban gasoline! Those dirty meth cooks use it in cars when they deliver their product.

  6. JD Says:

    Bob Thompson shows how easy it is to make crystal iodine with non-regulated potassium iodide, water, muriatic acid, and hydrogen peroxide.

  7. Monte Says:

    Well, that explains why Polar Pure Water Disinfectant has been hard to find lately:

  8. Pop n Fresh Says:

    monte, they announced the iodine restrictions a few years back
    Drug Enforcement Administration
    21 CFR Parts 1309 and 1310
    like I said on Weerd’s powdered celox has become restricted too unless it’s the pouch kind to be applied to the surface of a wound only

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