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When you want time to hit you in the face, listen to music

Tam feeling time go by because Achtung Baby is 20. The other day, I fumbled through the radio and hear Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit. It was on a classic rock station, followed by Welcome to the Jungle.

12 Responses to “When you want time to hit you in the face, listen to music”

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    Wait until you’re pushing a grocery cart through the store and hear Led Zeppelin playing “Misty Mountain Hop” over the PA speakers. THEN you know you’re old.

    Led Zeppelin has become Muzak®.

  2. Tam Says:

    Yup. When Cadillac started using Zeppelin’s “Rock and Roll” in their commercials, it wasn’t because Cadiallac’s demographic was getting younger…

  3. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Honda is now using Ozzy’s “Crazy Train” to sell their Pilot SUV.

    Which I think is better than hearing Flock of Seagulls over the Muzak, IMHO.

  4. Jay G. Says:

    Even worse, they’re using Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” to see Jeeps.


    mumbles incoherently

  5. Jay G. Says:

    see=sell, derp

  6. breda Says:

    I heard The Ramones in the grocery store the other day. Sigh.

  7. SayUncle Says:

    And I heard “back in black” for a black friday sale. Groan.

  8. Robert Says:

    It’s not only music. I was channel surfing and saw on Spike they had Star Wars – Return of the Jedi on, and I was remembering that I first saw it in the theater when I was in boot camp 28 years ago. ( And the first Star Wars before I even had a drivers license ) Then I felt really old…..

  9. Tam Says:

    I heard The Ramones in the grocery store the other day. Sigh.

    In a perfect world, Toys’R’Us would use “Beat On The Brat” for a commercial jingle…

  10. mike w. Says:

    Nirvana is “Classic Rock” now?!

    Well, thanks for making ME feel old.

  11. ATLien Says:

    the Publix I go to places the best 80s music. That’s an incentive for me to shop there.

  12. chris Says:

    I think that Appetite for Destruction is borderline mainstream these days, as is a good bit of vintage hard rock.

    I hear the Grateful Dead on the music system at Food City.

    I remeber when AM radio stations played the Dead on the radio in the late 1960s.

    I feel old because I am getting old and thinking of how long ago certain tunes were released makes me feel even older.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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