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At the dentist

You know, I have a hard time getting a couple of fingers and floss to the back of my mouth for proper oral hygiene. I’m wondering exactly how the hygienist can get two fists, a couple of tools, the suction thing, and the little water squirting thing in there. And work.

11 Responses to “At the dentist”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    You clearly don’t watch enough imported porn. It’s some kind of foreign trick.

  2. mikee Says:

    She gets paid to make your mouth into a 3 ring circus. Incentives have results!

  3. adam Says:

    Sounds like a bad joke about the Phillipines – 4.5 people per square meter.

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    My dental hygenist has to use a rubber wedge to keep my jaw open, after her work my whole face hurts for a week.

  5. HiddenHills Says:

    They do it the same way Santa squeezes down a chimney!

  6. Jennifer Says:

    She’s probably wondering how you can blog with all that going on.

  7. jim Says:

    This begs the question: “How does a Gynecologist do all that they do in there?”

  8. treefroggy Says:

    Because they don’t feel your pain.

  9. Mockingbird Says:

    I know what you mean.
    Last time, my hygenist said,”Dang, you got a full bar AND a cigarette counter in there!”

  10. Robert Says:

    Get yourself a Butler Flossmate and you’ll never have problems with flossing again. I’ve used them for years.

  11. SouthpawByNW Says:

    I second Robert on the Flossmate. I have used them for awhile now and I no longer get the flossing speech every six months.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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