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Gun Porn

Review: Detonics MTX 45 ACP pistol. It looks like an FN and a 1911 had a baby.

No. It’s a Sig. They’re pretty plastic guns but they’re plastic guns.

Defensive shotguns

10 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    That Detonics looks REALLLY sexy.

  2. Argent Says:

    That Sig is an alloy frame, as are most (all?) My 239 and 220 are both alloy. AFAIK only the grips are typically plastic. But, Sigs have kind of that utilitarian quality so I wouldn’t refinish it either.

  3. mike w. Says:

    It’s a P228 made in 91′. No plastic, not even the grips.

  4. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Melensdad is one of our local guys. They made a special serial number for him with his initials in it.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    Most Sigs (my two P220’s anyhow) aren’t plastic except the grips – but wooden Sig grips run about $120 a pair.

  6. guy Says:

    I just had my P228 slide refinished, but I sweat like a pig/xenomorph hybrid and can destroy an unprotected steel slide SIG in a day.

  7. Lazy Bike Commuter Says:

    I think that Detonics is incredibly ugly….but that doesn’t mean I don’t want one. It sounds pretty sweet. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the caliber should be easily changeable as well, yes?

    As long as they don’t do like most companies seem to when they come up with something modular and charge for accessories the same thing everyone else would charge for a complete gun.

  8. Lazy Bike Commuter Says:

    Now that I have done more research on them, I do find them attractive. I just don’t like the one picture in the provided link. 🙂

  9. Bob Owens Says:


    I’m handing it over to a good photog for the weekend. I’ll have better pics next time for the range review.

  10. Lazy Bike Commuter Says:

    I don’t know if your photography skill is to blame. Surprisingly, I like the one with the black slide and white grip I’ve seen elsewhere.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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