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Chicks and guns

Destinee emails me her video review of the Beretta Nano, how many outfits she can wear in four minutes:

6 Responses to “Chicks and guns”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So it looks like some Glock Patents have expired….

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    BL ++ Nice fashion show, but what else? Beretta is 500 years old, so is my antique sword. So what?

    How does the @#$%(*&^%$# plastic fantastic shoot? How does it carry? How reliable is it?

    Those questions need answers. What the woman wears means nothing. Even the good quality of the video means nothing.

  3. breda Says:

    Oooh, I like her manicure.

  4. Brad Says:

    Wasn’t sure what to expect before watching. I didn’t know who Destinee was. I was pleasantly surprised and found the commentary and Nano close ups pretty informative for a first impression story.

    My take away is that people like Destinee are just one more indicator of how the gun-culture is winning the culture-war.

  5. trackerk Says:

    Rivrdog, cute chick likes guns and makes videos. For God’s sake man, it is concealable under the tight clothes she wears! I suppose next you’ll want to know what Victoria Secret lingerie looks like on real women.

  6. 45er Says:

    As many as she wants. 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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