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Sign of the times

FY2011 sets record for military surplus transfers to police departments

4 Responses to “Sign of the times”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I’m torn on this one. I hate seeing good gear get thrown out or destroyed, like Clinton did to all the Surplus Small Arms back in the 90’s. I think the 1997 Act came about to stop that in the first place, and the LEO’s got the weapons instead of the Scrap Yard.

    Having said that, looking at how well the Police Depts are acting on the Street (Pima County Sheriff and Canton, Ohio P.D. come to mind), combined with the fact that most Major Cities are Run by Neo-Feudilist Administrations (H/T to Michael Z. Williamson) like Mickey Bloomburg, this does cause one to worry.

  2. Jake Says:

    Well, Bloomy has to supply his private army somehow.

  3. SoupOrMan Says:

    Just wait until it trickles down to the other non-LEO government agencies.

    “This is the school board! Come out with your hands up and leave your unauthorized peanut butter sandwiches in the convenient biohazard containers!”

    I could have used a less-ridiculous example, but such things are too close to reality or comfort.

  4. Jailer Says:

    (B) excess to the needs of the Department of Defense.

    In my department if I buy something in excess of what I “need” it’s called misappropriation of funds and I’m fired.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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