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Shooting at VT

Still ongoing, two dead, shooter at large.

And talk about bad timing.

13 Responses to “Shooting at VT”

  1. nk Says:

    So what do you think the problem is? Easy availibility of guns? No screening for guns on campus? That Virgiania Tech is no place to send your kid for college? Because the administration is more interested in protecting their overpriced salaries and cushy benefits than their students?

  2. Freiheit Says:

    nk – What?

    The problem is that there are nutters out there who will murder dozens of people, that will shoot a cop during a traffic stop. Thats it.

    The reaction that “someone must do something” is wrong. It sucks, but sometimes theres nothing you can do or when doing something is worse than doing nothing.

  3. wizardpc Says:

    Freiheit: I think nk is just looking at twitter, because that’s the crap people are saying on there.

  4. Freiheit Says:

    Ah gotcha. I figured nk was on our side.

    I’m bothered by this. My first reaction shouldn’t be “oh shit, some nanny is going to use this to ban guns again”. It should be sorrow and sympathy for the families of the police officer and victims.

    Following this closely, friend of mine in VA was just sent out there to take photographs for the Staunton, VA paper.

  5. ATLien Says:

    Knowing this administration, I automatically suspect them. Is that bad of me?

  6. ATLien Says:

    Never mind. This time I actually read the article.

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    “Somebody should do something” no. “Somebody or anybody there who is otherwise qualified should not be prevented from doing something” by something someone has “done”. They will not figure this out. They didn’t last time, and they haven’t gotten any less, um… “smart” since then.

  8. Bryan S. Says:

    “The 1990 Clery Act was named after Lehigh University student Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in her dorm room by another student in 1986.

    The maximum fine per violation under the law is $27,500. Institutions also can lose their ability to offer federal student loans, but that has never happened.”

    Of course not, no better way for congress to help fund their retirements and friends by enslaving kids into insurmountable debt.

  9. Charlie Foxtrot Says:

    The second body was apparently the shooter.

    He walked up to a traffic stop and shot the cop.
    Then walked to a parking structure and killed himself.

    Dumb bastard.

  10. Old NFO Says:

    I’ve got to agree with Evilwrench…

  11. JJR Says:

    @ Charlie Foxtrot

    Roger that; However, I had to glean that information from BBC.CO.UK and the front page (online) of the Irish Examiner, because evidently the story has dropped of CNN’s main page already. Frustrating.
    I guess I could’ve checked ABC, CBS, or NBC or FOX, but if CNN doesn’t have it readily available I tend to give up on American media and go straight to foreign sources.

    Wonder if he had outstanding warrants or was fleeing the scene of another crime or? Traffic stops are always very risky for LEOs, because of worst-case scenarios like this one. Grieve for the fallen, be grateful no further lives were lost.

  12. TIM Says:

    You know what I hate is I heard like five different versions of what happened from various news networks.From the guy still being on the loose,To the guy being who was stopped,To the guy walking up and shooting the cop and the person stopped and running away.However it really went down it was a sad thing that happened.

  13. Crotalus Says:

    I’ve heard it both ways: Shooter takes out cop, (I’m ambivalent about that) then off’s himself, (Yay!), OR–There’s a third actor in this who takes out cop and unarmed victim, and is still on the lam. So, which is it?

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