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Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Seen at Joe’s: You will “get it” from their peaceful protest or you will get it through more forceful means, but you will get it.

One Response to “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Funny. This past spring, I watched tens of thousands of Egyptian crowd into Tahir Square, and take blasts from Shotguns and AK’s at Point Blank Range, yet they still held their Ground.

    This past summer, I watched thousands of Libyans grab captured Military weapons and saw them go toe-to-toe while wearing Track Suits.

    Today, in Syria, dozens are killed almost every day, yet their still come back to protest the next day.

    But in the U.S., the OWS get Pepper Sprayed, and you think they were being overrun by the Mongol Hoard.


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