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In Illinois

List of registered firearms owners to be kept private.

5 Responses to “In Illinois”

  1. Kevin Highland Says:

    now if they would just pass Concealed Carry

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Yeah, until some “Wikileaks” or “Anonymous” Hackers decide that they need to be released “for the Safety of our Children.”

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Gee … I guess the Chicago corrupticrats don’t want their names exposed as gun-owners.

  4. Snackeater Says:

    This from a state where the last two governors are both in prison (and the mayor of the largest city should be). I guess some could look at it as progress–I don’t–but some could.

  5. mariner Says:

    Of course — in Illinois the only people who have them are politicians and their friends and families.

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