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Romney’s $10K bet

On the local talk radio, they were discussing Romney betting Perry during some debate and what exactly was wrong with Romney doing that. Well, there are a few things wrong with it:

  • Romney is most assuredly lying.
  • Such wagers are illegal Iowa
  • But, no, that’s not what the local right wing radio was going on about. Seems they thought the amount of $10K was a bit steep and disrespectful of the common man it it’s extravagance.

    Newsflash guys: some people are rich. $10K to Romney is nothing. Get over it.

    6 Responses to “Romney’s $10K bet”

    1. John Smith. Says:

      And I thought Mormons did not gamble.

    2. SPQR Says:

      The point is that it was a stupid thing for Romney to do, emphasize how rich he is.

    3. chris Says:

      Romney’s gaffe demonstrates how completely politically obtuse he is and how poorly advised he is.

      Kind of like Cindy McCain’s wearing a $300k dress to the RNC convention.

      The worst thing Romney has done, though, is to make himself unavailable over the course of the last year or so.

      He has been running for President for 6 years and he doesn’t even have the political courage to make himself available for interviews, admit and learn from mistakes or take a clear position on issues.

      He is John Francois Kerry redux.

    4. Lila Says:

      Mormons don’t gamble. Or we aren’t supposed too. I already had decided not to vote for him but he just does things that make me want to smack him with some scriptures. So many think he is helping spread the lbs message then he does this and i have to laugh. The man is so disconnected.

    5. anon Says:

      Romney is in favor of (his version of) Obamacare and gun control: The only reason he’s even a candidate is because [of all the people who’ve announced] the liberal press hates him least (what with him being basically a Democrat – before the Democrats went full-retard with the socialist policies). If the press wasn’t seriously brown-nosing Romney he wouldn’t even be a factor.

      Conservatives REALLY need to stop letting the press choose their candidates or it will be McCain all over again.

    6. mariner Says:

      Funny no one seems interested in looking at the book and finding out whether or not Perry’s claim is accurate.

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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