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Delicate sensibilities

CG Varno is butthurt because people in his town shoot hoofed rats and strap them to their car. Seems transporting one’s lawfully harvested game is unsightly in his nice little town and, no doubt clutching his pearls, he pens a piece telling people to knock it off or he’ll hold his breath until he turns blue.

Update: I’m informed CG is female. Adjust pro-nouns accordingly.

5 Responses to “Delicate sensibilities”

  1. Hartley Says:

    On the plus side,he gets no sympathy whatsoever in the comments..

  2. HL Says:

    “Frosty” turned to “Rudolph the Deadnose Reindeer” (as my husband dubs it)

    CG Varno has a husband?

  3. comatus Says:

    C.G. is a female, not a “pansy.” But a Dickensian, just the same. And a duck-race organizer.

    Forget it, Jake. It’s Skaneateles.

  4. kujo21 Says:

    Skaneateles is an awesome town. Just need to weed out the yuppies like Verno and Husband.

  5. Mikee Says:

    Some years ago I was president of the HOA for my community. I had a discussion with one of the neighborhood’s leading drama queens, asking me what I was going to do about her next door neighbor and the buck hung from the tree out front. I suggested she knit them a Bambi Bag if she did not like looking at it, and did not have to speak with her again the rest of my term as HOA president.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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