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Gun shop sells tens of thousands of guns. Two found to be used in crimes, and the PSH commences.

5 Responses to “Reaching”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Same idea of why the antis play up how “Normal” spree shooters and murders are, often to the extent of omitting prison incarceration in their propaganda.

    They NEED to conflate gun shops with black market dispensaries of murder weapons, and every Joe with a carry permit or a gun as a murderer looking for the best place to start a spree-shooting.

    Logic and reality are their sworn enemy so they must craft a NEW one.

  2. Jake Says:

    Two guns in 21 years.

    “ZOMG it’s an epidemic!!111!!1!!!!1!”

  3. Cargosquid Says:

    I love that the editor missed that VIRGINIA is spelled wrong in the title.

    This part is just a perfect example of journalism as it is today: “More than likely, it followed a similar path to that of the gun that killed Rayvon”

    OF course, no one asked the criminal how HE got the gun.
    Either time.

    Its so much easier to blame the lawful person….oh, wait….that sounds familiar.

    I wonder why my great state of Virginia isn’t a hell hole of murder but New York apparently is…because all those supposed smuggled guns come from here. We have alot more of them.

  4. Cargosquid Says:

    Btw…we’re winning.

    There were a total of 5 comments out of 72 that were anti-gun. 🙂

  5. Ellen Says:

    “Dance, who has been selling guns since 1976, did not return a call for comment.”

    Nor would I comment. I can hear an agenda slavering at the door as well as anyone.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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