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ATF operating in DC?

$7M in guns and drugs. Offers to sell grenades and rocket launchers.

4 Responses to “ATF operating in DC?”

  1. emdfl Says:

    161 guns at maybe $600/gun = <$100,000.Soooo, $7,000,000 in drugs $100,000 in guns. Probably less then the atf spent on guns they bought/shipped to Mexico.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Funny how these stories always seem to Pop Up when it’s Budget Time…..

  3. Jeff Says:

    Bubblehead, you can’t see me right now, but I’m in DC with my finger touching my nose based on your response.

  4. John G Says:

    Maybe it is like a Fast and Furious buy back program…

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