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Judging by the news

And that they’re actually mentioning Ron Paul, I’m assuming he’s polling well.

4 Responses to “Judging by the news”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    You know the lineup is fucking horrible when I’m getting excited about Ron Paul.

  2. Freiheit Says:

    Weer’d – harsh.

    Uncle – If you heard the same piece I did on NPR this morning, it might just be because NPR at least has the decency to cover each candidate once.

  3. hardc0rps Says:

    Ron Paul!

  4. comatus Says:

    NPR, the Nation’s School Paper. Isn’t there a buzzer or something that goes off when “NPR” and “decency” appear in the same sentence?

    I’ve forgotten just how it worked when “we” changed “our” nominating system and got rid of all conventional ills: if Johnson and Paul both declare for the LP, do they have to put on 57 primaries?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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