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NRA on Obama

They look at his record on guns.

5 Responses to “NRA on Obama”

  1. Guav Says:

    And it’s all pre-2008.

  2. mike Says:

    That’s because it’s from 2008. It hasn’t been updated.

  3. JscottNH Says:

    Lets not forget he attempted to stop the sale of military used brass for recycling into new rounds for the public….

  4. MAJ Mike Says:

    Remember, also, the ban on sales ofsulplus M-1 Garands and M-1 carbines from South Korea.

  5. Jerry Says:

    That’s because he has no record on guns. He’s afr, err, I’m sorry, skeered, to say what he thinks. Did that make me sound redneck enough? Look, I don’t care what any political party thinks. Screw the Dems, Screw the Pubs, they can all just go away, I don’t care. Why can I not voice an opinion? Because I can’t get down to the County Seat and do my THANG.

    Still wrong,

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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