Police impersonators
In Houston, crooks fake a police raid of an illegal gaming room. With video.
There’s a law firm specializing in that. Warning, site may remind you of geocities.
Gun store employee shoots guy in neighboring business. Keep your finger off the trigger and watch where you point that thing.
Lactose intolerance and evolution. I think Chris Rock said it best: You think anyone in Rwanda’s got a fucking lactose intolerance?
Hard for me to have sympathy on a TSA agent who accuses another TSA agent of sexual assault. Isn’t that what you guys do for a living?
Update: Sexual assault is a poor choice of words. Unwanted sexual advances is more appropriate. See comments.
Some good news that doesn’t involve giving guns to Mexican drug lords.
The TN house created the Republican Caucus Firearms Issues Task Force. A bit back, we had a good year for gun rights. Then, the Republicans sort of forgot about us.
Man walks into Taco Bell with an AR? Off duty cop yelled and the gun was dropped. Strange.
In MA, 80 year old woman charged for feeding birds. This is what you waste time on?
Holder does not divulge who authorized letting guns go to Mexico.
Of course, Bloomberg wants to give Holder a pass. It’s something Bloomberg would do himself. He’s a man who went to other states and broke gun laws to prove his point and that’s what is happening here.
Testimony gets a little heated
Holder, democrats uses it to make the case for gun control. Holder would resign, if he were any kind of man.
Homeland Security Committee to investigate as well.
No-confidence motion against Holder to be introduced in House on Thursday
From the transcripts, Holder seems more intent on speechifying against gun rights, evasive, and outright defiant. Smells of either a cover up or a flippant disregard for knowing he’s above the law.
Cracked: 5 Terrible Things You Can’t Stop Your Children From Doing
Number two is touch a gun:
I’m not one of those people who thinks that movies and games turn ordinary people into raging psychopaths, shooting up schools while shouting out the Ten Commandments. But I’m also not ignoring the fact that the only lesson they’ve had about guns so far is, “Point at a human and pull the trigger to make fun occur.” In this part of the country, they have to learn what a gun is, what it does and how to handle one without killing or maiming themselves or someone else.
Anonymous to target US senators since 93 of them voted for indefinite detention of US citizens?
The Daily Show on detention and executive power:
The robot Joe Biden army is coming: Mysterious planet-sized object spotted near mercury
Gallup: 47% of American households own a gun, up from 41% just a year ago.
Of course, it’s 47% that admit it.
The principal who suspended the nine year old for sexual harassment for calling his teacher cute has been forced out. You’re exactly what’s wrong with public schools. Or were.
MJM: Fast & Furious as RICO–a criminal conspiracy, to deprive US citizens of a civil right
12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Music.
Sure, most of it is attributed to the ease with which we can buy music from Amazon or iTunes. But still.
Scores game-winning touchdown, raises fist to celebrate, given penalty for ‘excessive celebration’ and the TD doesn’t count.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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