Gun Porn
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Threats to gun rights: bad lawsuit edition
You’ll recall that Leonard decided to grab an AK pistol with the barrel painted orange so that it resembled a toy and go on a traipse through a park. Not a good move from a PR perspective and not one designed to win hearts and minds. He sued after being detained by the police. The SAF stepped in what looks to be an attempt to stop Embody’s history of helping make bad gun laws. They filed a brief that, and I’m no lawyer, seems to say that yes, you can carry a gun and yes, you can own an AK. But running around the park with a gun disguised as a toy trying to be intentionally provocative is not exactly something protected by the second amendment:
Plaintiff naturally, and quite unnecessarily, terrified other park visitors in a manner plainly inconsistent with the traditional right to bear arms for self-defense. Unfortunately, he compounded the problem by filing a meritless lawsuit that generated an opinion jeopardizing the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding, responsible people.
The SAF brief is here.
WAAAH: The rich get $10B per year from Social Security and other entitlements. Well, that’s how it works. You pay into it, you get some out. It doesn’t matter what you make.
SigSauer is getting into the subcompact, double stack 9mm game. The P224 is a shortened 229, no doubt to compete with the Glock 26 and M&P compacts.
For Thanksgiving, my son got to shoot his first gun:
We were shooting at pumpkins and gourds left over from the fall season. Now, he’s five. You can see he’s having some trouble shouldering the suppressed 10/22. Over CTD, they’re discussing guns for the young shooter. And this reminded me that my dad, who was there when my son was shooting, said maybe I should get him a Mare’s Leg in 22LR. He could shoulder that. Something to consider.
The media spins it just the opposite with their OWS silliness but:
An overwhelming 64 percent of people surveyed said big government was the biggest threat to the country, compared to just 26 percent who said big business is their gravest concern and 8 percent who picked big labor.
Someone once said to me that the government was not the biggest threat to our liberty. I replied with Well, what is? Blank stare.
On the local talk radio, they were discussing Romney betting Perry during some debate and what exactly was wrong with Romney doing that. Well, there are a few things wrong with it:
But, no, that’s not what the local right wing radio was going on about. Seems they thought the amount of $10K was a bit steep and disrespectful of the common man it it’s extravagance.
Newsflash guys: some people are rich. $10K to Romney is nothing. Get over it.
Funny gun ad:
Of course, they often don’t even check addresses.
Police officers put on their ninja gear, get some flash bangs, and go into full on dynamic entry mode. The raid the house and torment a child and his grandparents. The suspect they were looking for on a tip, as it turns out, was already in prison. The couple can sue the detective.
Affidavit supporting the warrant said he was in prison. Try reading, guys.
Rep. Josh Zepnick wants to ban carrying guns at gas stations in WI. One of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.
TSA finds a gun in a carry on bag. Given that they can’t handle guns, they call the police. The officer ends up negligently discharging the revolver. Via Joe, who says you can’t fix stupid.
You can fix stupid. But it usually requires a ball peen hammer.
Trainer shoots self in leg. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before but it was an ‘accident’ caused by transitioning from revolvers to semi-autos.
Why is everyone getting the 9mm? Because of this.
Oh, and it’s cheaper. It’s easier to shoot. And I like that I carry a gun that carries 18 of them.
As for the 38+P and not getting that, for me it’s because I don’t prefer wheel guns. Only holds 5-6 rounds, more difficult to load. YMMV.
They remove an 84 year old woman’s back brace, mistaking it for a money belt. Why would they even look at a money belt? Can money take down a plane?
No, unlike the one here that gets FoxNews’ high ratings err knickers in a twist, this one is actually real: North Korea has warned South Korea of “unexpected consequences” if it lights up a Christmas tree-shaped tower near their tense border.
They grow up so fast: F&F a year ago. Well, I think these two guys were on it before then.
The Nashville police managed to pull in 90 junk guns in their gun buyback, free evidence destruction program.
The kids were, as they often do, having one of their nonsensical arguments. I forgot what it was about but it probably involved stop touching me, get on your side of the couch or some other thing kids have fought about for just about ever. I tell them to knock it off and then, thinking I thought it, I instead said I can’t believe you guys argue about the dumbest crap. Junior then pipes up: You argue about dumb crap too. Thinking she may have heard about my blog, I say Oh do I?
Her: Yes, you argue about dumb crap too.
Me: No I don’t. And don’t say crap.
Her: Oh, yes, you do.
Me: When have I argued about dumb stuff?
Her: Always.
Me: I do not.
Her: Uh huh.
Me: Oh please.
Her: You’re arguing about dumb stuff right now.
Me: Well played, Sparky.
And I laughed hard. I was both taken aback and proud that I was outsmarted by my 7 year-old daughter. Still brings a smile to my face.
Update: Rage comic by Michael. LOL.
It’s not just about bug out bags and getting ready for the zombie apocalypse or robot Joe Bidens. It’s simpler: Being able to fend for one’s self, if only long enough for help to arrive, is just part of being an adult.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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