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Bullet Jump Drives

In gold and silver. Slick looking. Via reader David.

It will go well with my transformer jump drive.

4 Responses to “Bullet Jump Drives”

  1. CarlS Says:

    Nice, but can you carry them on planes? In airports?In parks? Within a thousand feet of schools? Or other government buildings?

    You know, those places where they employ people who aren’t smart enough to distinguish between real and symbolic concepts? Or imaginary things?

  2. Mike V. Says:

    Carl beat me to it, I was going to say those folks at the TSA checkpoints are just goint to love these (not)

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Kanguru 8GB FlashBlu

    Not as cool looking, but it has a hardware write protect switch on the side. I’ve got all my best tools on one like this, including what I use to scan for malware. Think of it as a condom for your USB stick.

    8 GB seems to be the best value per GB, but they have them larger if needed.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Cheaper link. $27

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